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Rolly Bébé slippers Dinosaur Tristan

Slippers ROLLY-181 5527
SKU Code: ROLLY-181
Rolly Bébé slippers Dinosaur Tristan
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Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Bébé slippers are soft, but still firm enough to keep their proper shape and thus provide support for the foot. In them, the child walks, runs and plays safely and comfortably.

The non-slip thermo rubber sole does not slip or get wet and enables safe walking and good contact with the ground. Flexible three-layer sole for comfort, protection from sharp objects and cold floors, and a comfortable and safe walk.

The feet sweat less in the slippers thanks to the premium natural breathable leather, and at the same time they provide comfort so children will be able to wear them all day.

All materials used are tested in respecitve European laboratories and proven to contain no harmful ingredients.