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Little Dutch Wooden music mobile Baby Bunny

Little Dutch 8713291888548 LD8854 4868
SKU Code: LD8854
Little Dutch Wooden music mobile Baby Bunny
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This cute wooden music mobile has a soothing effect on babies thanks to the sweet lullaby. It features five different hanging toys to look at from the Baby Bunny collection. Babies enjoy watching the music mobile, which stimulates their visual development. The mobile is suitable from birth and can easily be attached to a cot or playpen.

  • Age: from birth 
  • Melody: lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow
  • Size: 52x75x37 cm
  • Material: Frame - wood; Toys - polyester; Music box - plastic

Warning: Attach this toy out of the reach of the child. To prevent possible injury by entanglement, remove this toy when the child starts trying to get up on its hands and knees in a crawling position. Adult assembly required.